Mr. Anwarul Azim
A graduate with honours in Economics from University of Dhaka and then an M. A. in Economics from the University of Karachi, Mr. Azim joined Duncan Brothers in 1969 and worked in their tea estates in Sylhet till 1982. He resigned and worked for a Canadian consulting ¬firm for three years from 1982 to 1985 and then rejoined Duncan Brothers in 1985 in their Dhaka Office as their Manager of Estate’s production. He moved, on secondment, to United Finance Limited as its General Manager in 1989 and became its Deputy Managing Director in 2006, a position he held till the end of December 2017. He was a director on the board of Duncan Brothers (Bangladesh) Ltd from 1996 to 2006 and United Finance Limited from 2009 to 2012. Having been with United Finance Limited for over 28 years, he developed a wide network of contacts with entrepreneurs, both large and medium, in different sectors of industries of the country. He is the Independent Director of UICL and Chairman of the Audit Committee and Nomination & remuneration Committee and also member of the Policyholder Protection & Compliance Committee.